Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pictures.... of... ME!!! and others....

Is it vain to take pictures of yourself? Because I do it a lot. It's not because I think I'm gorgeous or anything. It's because I'm BORED!!!

Alright. So I get really bored and so I take a lot of random pictures. And then, I get even more bored and put them all on here and write lame captions underneath. I know. You don't need to tell me. I could really use a life.

Spencer and I at WSU.

Carlee Morse and I... ya. I know. Sexy.
And unfortunately most of the pictures I take end up looking like the one above....

Bored.... on a Sunday morning. Doing the famous "Blue Steel" or "Magnum". What's the Difference Right?

Once again... my vain side shows....


Kristina said...

Dag girl, can I get your number and give you a call sometimes.HAHAHAHAHA